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clear guidance

Digital Audio Course

All of us are born into this life with the innate ability to receive guidance and support from the world of Spirit. We are not meant to make our way through our lives alone, and we can have all the help we need in every decision we make. 


In this previously recorded teleclass, Christen shares the effective and unique techniques that she has taught in her Spirit School classes over the last twenty years. These techniques are the same ones that she uses to convey the messages of your soul and Spirit in her Intuitive Guidance sessions, and were taught to her by her own Guides and Angels.

Topics include:

  • How to listen for your soul's messages

  • The many ways that Spirit communicates with us

  • How to access the rich wisdom and guidance that is offered to us every day

  • See your life through the eyes of the Angels

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Please allow approximately one week for delivery. Make sure your email is included in your payment info.

Contact Christen for more information.

other courses to help you on your journey


Do you know what your soul wants to accomplish in this life? Explore this and more through guided exercises and intuitive insights.



This teleclass series package offers inspiring and practical information for creating positive change in your life, plus guided meditations.

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