Creating Heaven on Earth
In this Spirit School series we offer you an opportunity to experience the gentler, more truthful side of life on Earth. We will create a strong connection with the grounding Earth energies, and you will learn how to harmonize your body and mind with the stabilizing rhythm of deep Earth, as well as the expansive illuminating presence of Heaven. You will also connect with the support of your loved ones who have passed and are on the other side. Though they may seem far away from us, in the same way that the Angels and other helpers sometimes feel distant, they are all really quite close.
We will complete the series with the transformational experience of traveling to the The Learning Temple in the higher realms while staying in your body. This is a highly refined place in the dimension of spirit where you can learn about the structure of the matrix of energy that is Earth’s atmosphere, through which all of us are connected, and how we can interact with it to create a heavenly reality of peace for ourselves and for everyone. Each day will end with Guided Intuitive Healing, led by Kemper Conwell, designed to help you integrate the energy shifts of the classes, and carry your learning into your daily life.
Class topics:
Learn how to reach out and access the support of Nature, the Devas, and the assistance of the Angels. Though often unseen they are always around us. We will bring Heaven and Earth together in this class by connecting with Earth energies, the vital forces of the Devic world and nature, and the Angelic Kingdom. Bring a clean, empty dropper bottle with you to take home the powerful, healing vibrational essence solution that we will create with the Devas and Angels.
Your loved ones and friends who have passed are still in relationship with you. Learn how you can communicate with them and call on their support and assistance in all of your endeavors. We will cover in detail what life is like on the other side, what passing over is like, and how similar the two planes of existence are. As it becomes easier for us to be in relationship with the other side, it also becomes easier for us to live a life on Earth with all of the beautiful qualities that heavenly life contains.
Staying fully embodied, you will travel to the other side to The Learning Temple, which is a greatly revered place of higher learning. Using a new technique, we will create a portal that connects you to The Learning Temple. You can use your portal to easily travel across the dimensions of existence and continue to access the higher learning of the Temple and its Master Teachers as often as you like after the class.
FACILITATORS: Christen McCormack & Kemper Conwell
TIMES: 10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, Sperryville, VA
For directions, go to www.bellemeade.net
Pre-registration with payment for this series is necessary.
COST: $375
Payment plans are available. There is special pricing for couples in the same household. Contact Christen for more information.
Once you have paid/registered, you will receive an email confirmation with suggestions on how to prepare for the series.
Contact Christen with any questions.